Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
26th October 2006
Filed under: Seminars — Ben @ 1:33 pm

When you are at a 3 day event which you know starts at 9am each morning, it pays to get an early night and a good bout of sleep. Of course, that is easier said than done.

Friday night was another late one with lots of the Focus 4 the Future attendees staying up for a few drinks and several impromptu “brain-storming” sessions.

So, a little worse for wear, I proceeded from breakfast to go into the seminar room again and watch the first session of the day – a hot seat.

This time around another Dave, owner of a eBook-producing software product, displayed his site on the front screen and then braved the chair.

Although this was technically a hot seat session, the experts agreed that there wasn’t too much wrong with Dave’s site but were still able to offer plenty of constructive critisism.

The content “above the fold” i.e. where the site naturally lies on loading, the part visible without scrolling – was fine.

Advice included that he should remove the company name, emphasise the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and quote the number of users of his product in the headline.

The big suggestion though was that he should remove the clickable links from his testimonials as it is a customer leak. By all means mention the URL but do not allow users to navigate away to someone else’s site.

On visiting the site today, it looks like the victim has actually took to heart the suggestions and changed the site!

As of September 2006, EasyeBookPro has actually sold 12,000 copies which is proudly displayed in the headline.

You can view Dave McGregor’s site at:


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