Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
16th March 2007
Filed under: Financial Trading,Spread Betting — Ben @ 11:08 am

Over in the US, petrol prices are up and down and the price of Crude can’t seem to keep in line with the fluctuation rate.

People are understandably annoyed with the high petrol prices (perhaps they should try buying it in the UK!)

Yesterday I received an email letting me know about a free web-based video which analyses where the Crude Oil price has been recently and where it could be going:

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Check it out if you would like more information on what the big picture of Crude looks like and to help decide on whether Crude could go to $47 – or if it is going the other way.

Anyone who trades commodities simply cannot ignore Crude, it’s the most heavily traded commodity of them all.

Take a look at this web-based “YouTube” type of video and see if it helps you with your commodity trading, specifically Nymex Crude Oil futures:

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